Paediatric Sleep Courses, North London & Hertfordshire
Level 3 (3 credits) and 4 (6 credits) Accredited Sleep in Children and Sleep Training for childcare professionals
Dr Hugh Selsick (leading Consultant Psychiatrist in sleep medicine) and Janne Harrison (Experienced Sleep Trainer) jointly cover the following:
The importance of sleep for babies and young children
How much sleep is enough sleep?
Normal sleep patterns of a baby and young child
Identifying sleep patterns – REM content of sleep
Encouraging the formation of good sleep patterns
Sleep as an important component for growth
Relationship between routine and sleeping
Relationship between eating and sleeping
Common sleep problems in babies and young children:
Night terrors
Sleep apnoea
sleep walking
Circadian rhythm disorders
Head banging
The role of the sleep trainer
Communicating with parents
Sleep issues before 6 months (instilling and developing good sleep habits)
Sleep training 6 months to 2 years
The older child – 2 -7 years
Bedtime routines
Sleep training techniques
Early Waking
Jet lag and body clocks
More than one child in a room
Stumbling blocks to success.
As always the following is provided:
Homemade lunch
Resource pack
This is a one day course.
£195 for Level 3 and £295 for Level 4.
A certificate of attendance is provided.
Location and times
The session takes place in Finchley N3 OR in The Radlett Centre depending on numbers, from 915am to 5pm . View venue details.
“The IACSC criteria requires 50 hours of sleep training by suitably qualified trainers (there are specific details regarding this)
Not only does ‘Be ready to parent’ meet this criteria, it’s an excellent course to add to your training hours. There are very few courses I recommend and you will find this a valuable course to attend.” Rozanne Hay, IACSC UK respresentative
Levels and Credits:
Put simply, the level is at what complexity and standard the course and assignment is set at. The credits refer to how many hours work is needed to complete it/the amount of learning that has taken place. Accreditation, credits and levels are measures of consistency, achievement, value and measure of quality across our courses and hopefully across all courses provided by different training providers.
Our Level 3 course has 3 credits. Level 3 is “A-level” standard and looks at some evaluating and analysing within the question and answer; a bit more than simply describing or explaining (which is Level 2). Ideally the learner has some professional experience in their field already and some childcare/maternity nursing training. 3 credits means, in addition to attending the training day, the homework assignment which would take around 20-25 hours of work, including any additional reading and research needed to answer the questions
Our Level 4 course has 6 credits – which means a homework assignment which would take around 50-60 hours of work, including any additional reading, reflective practice and research needed to answer the questions. Level 4 is “foundation degree” level and looks more into reflective practice and critically reviewing and is a more extensive piece of work. For this reason, we expect the learner to have completed level 3 first and have significant experience in their childcare field and realistically some experience working in sleep consultations with families. (There may be individual circumstances where this is not the case and we can look at this on an individual basis but the normal process would be to do level 3 and pass before embarking on the level 4 Homework assignment)./
What we wanted to make clear to you is that these credits are “OCN credit4learning” credits. This is the same for all of these similar courses by other training providers (affiliated to their own accrediting body). They give a measure of achievement, effort and learning but are not the same as college or university credits and cannot be used in this way. Please email us if this is not clear but it is the same for all similar organisations and we wanted to clarify this early on, as there has sometimes been some confusion over this. (Email: or
Payment and cost:
At level 3 – the cost is £195 per person (training day plus level 3 assignment)
At level 4 – the cost is £295 per person (training day plus level 4 assignment)
Changing from Level 3 to 4: If you want to go on to do Level 4 (after completing and passing level 3) then there will be an additional £100 and you can take up this option up to 12 months after passing Level 3.
Homework Assignments:
You will need access to a computer to open up the word document and ideally type the answers and email it back to us, attached as a word document.
If you really have no access to a computer or have difficulty with typing the answers, then you can handwrite the answers and send it back by post (or scan and email it back).
The learning outcomes for the course will be made available to you which can guide you with your answers to the questions.
The assignments are a mixture of short answers and longer answers, case studies and at Level 4 some reflective practice reports.
The course tutors are Janet Harrison and Dr Ella Rachamim and we will mark the assignment and have an internal validator (Philip Hendy) and an external moderator from OCN credit4learning.
Once we email you the assignment, at LEVEL 3 you will have 6 weeks to complete it and return it to us by email (or post if you are not able to email it back to us, but emailing is the preferred method). We aim to return feedback by 2 weeks after this date and then OCN credit4learning will formally send you a certificate of accreditation if you have passed around 2 weeks after that.
Those wishing and able to take Level 4 will be given the Homework assignment by email and have 6 weeks to complete and return it to us, ideally by email. We will aim to feedback to you 2 weeks after this and then if successful OCN4learning will send on a certificate.
You can, of course, hand your work back in by email before the deadline but may not receive feedback until 2 weeks after the deadline.
We will email you the assignment after the course and the deadlines for submission will be from the date you received the assignment. If you do not have any access to a computer and cannot open up the document by email, then it can be posted to your address (but we would stress that email/attachments is preferred).
We will need your address and also your Date of Birth for the certificates to be organised.
If the tutors want you to re-submit your work and make some changes/do some further work, we will feed this back to you and give you additional time to do this (1-2 weeks).
Any work submitted in after the deadline it will not be marked, unless there are exceptional circumstances and this has to be emailed or phoned through to one of the course tutors and an extension mutually agreed.
Please note that anything you use as a reference eg the handouts, internet, books, papers – anything directly copied must be referenced, otherwise this could be seen as plagiarism (see polices and procedures below). Remember, directly copying form the internet etc is not what we are looking for, we are looking for your work in your own words, but if you are referring to something or using a paragraph from a book for example, to back up your discussion, it needs to be referenced.
Policies and Procedures:
Our policies and procedures are on this website eg appeals procedure, assessment malpractice policy, access to fair assessment, complaints procedure, equality and diversity, internal quality assurance, maladministration policy, health and safety and contingency plans. ( homepage and scroll down to the bottom).
I hope you find the session enjoyable and find it informative, practical and helpful. Your feedback is valued, good or bad, and I use this to improve and adapt the session. Leave your feedback.