Access to Fair Assessment Policy
BereadytoParent has in place the necessary systems and procedures to allow the provision
of access arrangements, including reasonable adjustments. These reflect the needs of
individual learners while also ensuring that the assessment continues to enable a valid,
reliable and consistent judgement to be made about the achievement of all learning
outcomes against the stated assessment criteria.
BeReadytoParent’s policy of access to fair assessment ensures that all assessments /
assessment activities undertaken by learners are:
- Reliable
- Valid
- Fit for purpose
- Transparent
- Recognise and respect equality and diversity
- Use appropriate language for assessment tasks
- Include a variety of assessment strategies
There are procedures in place which underpin this statement and are translated in practice.
BeReadytoParent will ensure that all:
- Record the outcomes of all assessment activities
- Provide clear and constructive feedback to all learners mapped against achievement of the learning outcomes and assessment criteria
- Plan assessment strategies and the timing of assessments so as not to unnecessarily overburden learners or discriminate against particular groups of students
The writers of assessment material will:
- Produce assessment activities with due regard to equality and the diversity of learners
- Ensure that assessment tasks allow for the generation of evidence in diverse ways
- Ensure that they use appropriate language at a level suitable to the unit
- Ensure that the assessment strategy allows for the generation of evidence against all the learning outcomes and assessment criteria for a unit
- Review assessment tasks on an annual basis and as part of a course self-assessment review
Internal quality assurers will:
- Quality assure the appropriateness of the assessment strategy for a unit
- Quality assure the appropriateness of individual assessment tasks against the principles itemised above and any particular requirements of the qualification
- Ensure that tutor/assessor records are accurate, clear and up to date
- Ensure that tutor feedback to students is clear, constructive, unambiguous and related to the assessment criteria
- Ensure that all assessment decisions sampled as part of internal quality process are valid
- Provide written feedback to tutors/assessors on all aspects of the assessment
- Ensure that all quality improvement recommendations are monitored and any resulting actions are implemented
Students will:
- Be inducted into the qualification assessment methodology and understand criterion
- Be made aware of BeReadytoParent assessment appeals policy and how to access any relevant documentation to support its use
- Be provided with an individual assessment plan through the effective use of individual learning plans
- Be made aware of any time constraints attached to the achievement of the qualification
- Receive feedback from all assessment activities with BeReadytoParent timescale of within 2 weeks which relates to the achievement/non achievement of the assessment criteria (Note: During periods of BeReadytoParent closure and staff annual leave the 2 week timescale for assessment feedback to learners commences from the first day of the re-opening of the company after a period of closure and the tutors return to work from annual leave)
- Receive regular feedback against their achievement of individual units and their progress towards the overall qualifications.
- Be eligible for reasonable adjustments if their performance during an assessment is likely to be substantially affected by a particular impairment. Many of these students will be defined as being disabled under the Disability Discrimination Act. An adjustment to assessment should only be considered where the difficulty experienced places the student at a substantial disadvantage, in comparison with students who are not disabled. Where the difficulty is minor BeReadytoParent will assist and support the learner by offering help with study and assessment skills.
Written 26/7/15
The policies are subject to review on a 12 monthly basis – Next review 26/7/16