Maladministration Policy
This policy summarises the measures that will be taken to minimise the risk of
maladministration within BeReadytoParent.
1. Maladministration involves those acts which undermine the integrity and validity of
assessment and the certification of qualifications.
2. BeReadytoParent does not tolerate actions or attempted actions of maladministration by
learners or staff and measures are in place to ensure safe and accurate registration of
learners with the awarding organisation:
- Learners will be asked to complete a registration form and the detail from this form will be used to register the individual with the awarding organisation.
- Learners will be given their registration details
- The assessor will be required to maintain accurate assessment records and the IQA will confirm achievement prior to the claim for certification being made with the Awarding Organisation.
- All assessment records will be maintained on and available for internal and external audit in accordance with the timescales stated by the awarding organisation.
3. As an approved Centre, BeReadytoParent must be vigilant regarding maladministration and will deal with this in an open and fair manner.
4. The person at the centre responsible for quality will supervise investigations resulting from maladministration and will maintain communication with the awarding organisation.
5. Awarding Organisations reserve the right to withhold the issuing of certificates while an investigation into maladministration is in progress.
Written 26/7/15
The policies are subject to review on a 12 monthly basis – Next review 26/7/16