Health And Safety Policy

Health And Safety Policy



Be Ready to Parent recognises that it has a duty of care towards those employees and others engaged in its different activities in respect of their health, safety and welfare. At all times Be Ready to Parent will endeavour to provide a safe and healthy working environment, equipment and systems of work.


It will achieve this through:


1)    Conducting Risk Assessments of all activities

2)    Reviewing on a regular basis all risk assessments and at least annually

3)    Providing necessary information, instruction and training to all employees, volunteers, contractors and service users


The Company Director, or any authorised and designated person in the absence of the Company Director is responsible for ensuring that all activities are carried out in a safe manner. They will ensure that when planning any events that risks that are significant and foreseeable are eliminated or reduced to an acceptable level.


Any decisions relating to Health & Safety matters will be made in consultation with staff and with persons affected by the consequences of those decisions. Where there is insufficient competency to determine the best course of action, an external person or authority will be consulted.


Whilst the directors responsibilities are to ensure safe practice and adherence to Heath & Safety controls, it is recognised that it is everybody’s responsibility to act in a safe way. All employees, volunteers and Service Users attending Be Ready to Parent events have a moral and legal duty to take care of themselves and others. It is expected that employees, volunteers, trainers and Service Users will follow any instructions related to health & safety matters given by the Company Director or authorised and designated person.


Since the objectives of any health & safety policy can only be achieved through the support and co-operation of employees, volunteers and Service Users, Be Ready to Parent will at all times endeavour to secure such co-operation to effect its compliance with its statutory duties.


To achieve this Be Ready to Parent will, so far as is reasonably practical, ensure that:


  • A safe work environment is provided for employees, volunteers, service users, contractors and visitors to its premises.
  • Adequate resources are provided to ensure that proper provision is made for the health, safety and welfare of employees, volunteers, service users, contractors and visitors at all times.
  • Appropriate preventative and protective measures are, and will continue to be, implemented following identification of work related hazards and the assessment of the risks associated with them.
  • Regular consultation with employees and service users will be encouraged to promote good health & safety practices.


Be Ready to Parent will review its Health & Safety Policy and Risk Assessments on a regular basis and at least annually.




Health and Safety Organisation


The Directors of Be Ready to Parent have the overall and legal responsibility for


¨       All health & safety matters affecting their company

¨       To ensure the implementation of this Policy.

¨       For ensuring the management of health & safety systems associated with the different activities organised and presented by Be Ready to Parent

¨       To write Risk Assessments as necessary which will cover each of the different activities of Be Ready to Parent.

¨       To ensure that any practical actions identified by such risk assessments are implemented as planned

¨       Ensuring that an accident book is available and on-site

¨       Ensuring that a qualified first aider is always available

¨       Ensuring that a first aid box is adequately equipped and available

¨       To keep details of all accidents affecting any employees, volunteers, service users, contractors and visitors

¨       To report any accidents notifiable under RIDDOR and any dangerous occurrences of all reportable accidents and any occurrences of occupational ill health and agree any recommendations arising thereon

¨       To keep informed of changes in legislation on Health and Safety

¨       Holding and keeping a record of annual fire alarm checks

¨       Ensuring that legally required certificates and records are up to date and appropriately kept

¨       Ensuring that any required health and safety notices/certificates are clearly displayed and current

¨       Arranging for contractors to carry out annual tests of smoke alarms



All employees, volunteers, service users, contractors and visitors are responsible for:


  • Making themselves familiar with health & safety policy and guidelines
  • Reporting promptly all accidents and incidents occurring during the course of their work.
  • Reporting promptly any unsafe conditions of which they become aware
  • Reporting promptly any medical condition that might affect their capability to work
  • Taking reasonable care of themselves and others while at work, including not undertaking any work or activity in which they have not been trained and/or have not reached the required level of competency so as to be able carry out the tasks without risks to their health and safety, or that of others.



Responsibility for the day-to-day management of health & safety relating to Be Ready to Parents activities may be delegated at times to an authorised person acting under the authority of the Directors. This may occur for instance when the Directors are unable to attend a Training event and delegation of Health & Safety responsibility would then rest with a designated person in attendance at the event







     Accident and Occupational Ill Health Reporting and Investigation Procedure


1)    employees, volunteers, service users, contractors and visitors will inform the designated person responsible for Health & Safety of any accidents, injuries or ill health sustained during the course of their work


2)    The person responsible for Health & Safety will record all accidents, injuries or serious incidents in the accident book and will conduct an investigation as necessary to determine accurately:


  • the facts of what happened
  • the underlying causes of why the accident happened
  • the measures required to prevent a re-occurrence


3)    If the designated person is not a director, the designated person will submit a detailed report to the director as soon as possible and not less than 36 hours after the event has taken place.


4)    Entries in the accident book will be monitored by the Director and will form part of the annual health and safety review



Risk Assessment Overview


Although most activities organised by Be Ready to Parent are carried out in a low risk environment where no special precautions are needed to ensure health & safety other than normal common sense and reasonable care, the Directors of Be Ready to Parent are committed to conduct risk assessments of all its activities in order to control risks that might be encountered.


Risk assessments will be undertaken when an activity changes, or at least annually. Risk assessments are the responsibility of the Directors, but they can be assisted by an authorised person.


Risk Assessment involves:


  • Identifying hazards that could affect employees, volunteers, service users, contractors and visitors
  • Assessing the risk of the hazards occurring
  • Eliminating the hazards if possible. If it is not possible to eliminate the hazard to reduce the risk to the lowest possible level


The procedure for a Risk Assessment is:


  1. Observation – look for the hazard
  2. Identify who might be harmed and how
  3. Evaluate the risks arising from the hazard
  4. Decide whether or not the existing control measures are adequate or if something more/different should be done
  5. Implement any changes deemed to be necessary
  6. Record the findings
  7. Inform all relevant personnel
  8. Review the assessment at least annually and make any changes necessary


Significant findings of risk assessments will be communicated to all those who might be at risk



Specific areas that will be the subject of risk assessment will vary with the location and type of activity undertaken by Be Ready to Parent; but may include some or all of the following where they apply to an event.



  • Fire
  • Storage and use of materials within the scope of COSHH regulations
  • Manual Handling
  • Computer workstations
  • Display screen equipment
  • Photocopiers and laser printers
  • First Aid







Fire Procedure



Hazard and severity

Once a fire has started it can spread very quickly, producing smoke and toxic fumes. The emphasis must always be on preventing a fire from starting rather than on putting it out. The consequences of fire can result in very serious injury and can even be fatal.


Those exposed

Employees, volunteers, service users, contractors and visitors



Since the implementation of smoking in public places, including the work-place, the risk of Fire has been greatly reduced. Material which could become fuel for a fire, either intentionally or by accident, must be kept to a minimum.



Precautions to be taken


1)         A list of names of people attending any event organised by Be Ready to Parent will be required at registration. This will constitute a check-list in the event of an evacuation of the premises.


2)         Waste and Rubbish will be stored in suitable bins and emptied regularly


3)         The storage of flammable liquids will be avoided or kept to a minimum.


4)         Flammable substances should be kept in properly designed fireproof stores or enclosures


5)         Smoking by employees and others should only be carried out in a safe area away from

6)         any flammable substances and fuels.


7)         Smokers should ensure that their cigarettes are completely extinguished when they have finished smoking.


8)         When the fire alarm sounds all employees, volunteers, service users, contractors and visitors will immediately evacuate the building through the nearest safe exit.


9)         Escape routes will be kept clear of any obstruction at all times


10)      Fire doors will not be ‘propped open’


11)      In the event of a fire lifts will not be used.


12)      A clearly marked assembly point will be provided. All employees, volunteers, contractors and service users will be informed of where to find this.

13)      Following an evacuation, no one will to re-enter the building until they have been told by the director or designated person that it is safe to do so.


14)      Portable fire extinguishers will be fixed in suitable locations and clearly indicated by specific safety signs in outside venues (not the home of Dr Ella Rachamim).  Fire Extinguishers will be regularly checked and maintained.  Fire extinguishers will only be used by those trained to do so.


15)      Employees, volunteers, service users, contractors and visitors should notify the responsible person immediately of any fire hazards of which they become aware.


16)      The responsible person should take immediate action to eliminate or control the hazard




Slips, Trips and Falls



Hazard and severity


Slips, trips and falls are the main cause of accidents at work. The consequences can range from minor to very serious injury and can even be fatal.


Those exposed

employees, volunteers, service users, contractors and visitors




The residual risk of slips, trips and falls during the course of the working day cannot be eliminated. The likelihood will be greatly reduced by good housekeeping.


Precautions to be taken


1)      All corridors, walkways and stairs should be kept free from obstruction and tripping hazards such as trailing leads, damaged carpet, loose stair treads or liquid spillages.


2)      In the event that there is no alternative to a trailing wire/lead it is to be secured under a cable cover of appropriate size.


3)      employees, volunteers, trainers and Service Users should notify the responsible person immediately of any obstructions or tripping hazards of which they become aware.


4)      The responsible person should take immediate action to eliminate or control the hazard


5)      Suitable means of cleaning up liquid spillages must be kept readily available at all times.








Hazard and severity

Electricity presents a significant danger of shock, burn and even death if contact is made with

exposed conductors or conducting material that is live at mains or distribution.


Those exposed

Employees, volunteers, service users, contractors and visitors



Provided electrical equipment is properly operated and maintained, and that maintenance and repair work is only undertaken by competent personnel, there is a low likelihood.



Precautions to be taken


1)         All electrical equipment must be maintained and repaired by people specifically trained for the work and is not to be attempted by anyone else.


2)         Employees and volunteers should bring to the attention of the responsible person of any damage to an item of electrical equipment, cable etc. that may make an item unsafe.


3)         Requests for repair and maintenance should be made to the responsible person


4)         Portable appliances will be subject to periodic inspection and testing at an interval determined by the nature of the item and the circumstances of use.


5)         Portable appliance testing will only be undertaken by a suitably trained  contractor.


6)         The use of extension leads must be kept to a minimum and one extension must not be plugged into another extension.


7)         No electrical adapters are to be used.


8)         Access to fuse boxes/switch gear must be kept clear at all times.





General Control of Infection


Hazard and Severity

Due to the background of Service Users attending Be Ready to Parent Training events, there is an associated risk to both pregnant mothers as well as Maternity Nurses and Nannies working with your babies. Any risk of cross infection should be considered and minimised.


Those Exposed

Employees, volunteers, service users, contractors and visitors




The likelihood is greatly reduced by following good general hygiene procedures and, in some cases, appropriate immunisation.



Precautions to be taken


1)    Anti-bacterial handwash/soap must be available at suitable locations.


2)    Protective gloves must be worn when dealing with blood and/or bodily fluids and these must be disposed of immediately.


3)    Service Users who have been in contact with communicable diseases or themselves have a communicable disease should be discouraged from attending training events where they are likely to infect others and may present a risk to other service users, or the families service users may be working with.