Double Trouble, help is at Hand!
We made it to The Archer newspaper, fame at last!










We are all aware of the
recent baby boom but is
East Finchley in the grip
of an increase in multiple
births? It’s said that there
are four sets of twins in
Creighton Avenue alone.
“I used to be a celeb in
the park for having twins,”
says Dr Ella Rachamim, “but
now it’s rare for me notto see
another set of twins whilst out
and about.”
Ella, a local paediatrician, is aware of the joys
and pitfalls of having twins;
for a start there is twice the
likelihood that the mother
may suffer from post-natal
depression. She runs antenatal classes for prospective
parents tailored to both single
and multiple births. These
include advice and support
from a midwife, physiotherapist, breastfeeding counsellor
and a maternity nurse.
Parenting in the round
“We focus on more than
just the birth,” she says. “We
cover topics like practical parenting, basic first aid, dealing
with crying babies and issues
around emotional support and
post-natal depression. We
look at all aspects of feeding,
not just breast feeding.”
As well as these courses,
Ella offers free online
resources about local health
and childcare professionals,
support groups and organisations.
Her own experiences as
a mother of a toddler and
twin girls led her to set up
her courses, supporting all
prospective parents whether
expecting single or multiple
births. She has strong links
with the Whittington, Royal
Free and Barnet hospitals and
is on the committee of the
Finchley Twins Club.
Her next set of courses
starts on Sunday 13 October
(two Sundays and two weekday evenings) and cost £290
per couple. And if you happen
to be another set of parents-tobe of twins, there is a special
full day programme for you
on Saturday 21 September.
For further details see

or contact or 07977 939721.