Courses For Professionals
We offer a range of specialist courses and training for childcare professionals, maternity nurses and health professionals from locations in North London and Hertfordshire.
All our courses are run by myself, Dr Rachamim – an experienced Paediatrician, Mum of 3 including twins, and a Babycare consultant Janet Harrison from Night Owls Agency. Janet and I are partners on the training courses. We also invite high quality speakers who are current and working in top hospitals such as Great Ormond street. We have a very high standard of coursework, marking and feedback, in line with OCN credit4learning.
Current courses available for maternity nurses, childcare and health professionals
Click on the links below to find out more about each course:
Paediatric Sleep Course – Training for Professionals who want to learn about sleep in children and sleep training – Level 3 and 4 Accredited
This is a one day training session specifically designed for any professional who looks after babies and children and is interested in learning about their sleep. All aspects of sleep in children will be covered, from the medical aspects and science of sleep taught by Dr Selsick, Consultant Psychiatrist, to sleep training methods, sleep habits and troubleshooting problems, taught by Jan. Jan is an experienced sleep trainer and babycare consultant. Training days are jointly run between Jan, babycare consultant and maternity nurse and myself. Find out more
Reflux and Allergies Course – Training for Professionals looking after babies with reflux, Cow’s milk protein allergy (CMPA) and early allergies – Level 3 + 4 Accredited
This is a one day training sessions specifically designed for any professional who will be looking after babies who have reflux and/or early allergies. Outside speakers have included consultant paediatric gastroenterologist Dr Neil Shah, Dr Tammy Rothenburg consultant paediatric Allergist at The Royal London Hospital, Stacey Zimmels, Feeding and Swallowing Specialist Speech Therapist and IBCLC Lactation consultant, as well as a personal story by a mother whose baby had severe reflux. Training days are jointly run between Jan, babycare consultant and maternity nurse and myself. Find out more
Postnatal Depression Course – Training for Professionals working with mothers who have Postnatal Depression- Level 3 and 4 Accredited
This is a one day training session specifically designed for any professional who will be working with mothers that have PND and helping to care for their babies. Training days are jointly run between Jan, babycare consultant, Dr Selsick, a Consultant Psychiatrist, a perinatal psychologist, a health visitor and myself. Find out more
Caring for Multiples – Training for Professionals Caring for multiples – Level 3 and 4 Accredited
This is a one day training session specifically designed for any professional who will be looking after multiples from birth to preschool. Jointly run between Jan, a babycare consultant & maternity nurse and myself. Participants have the opportunity to talk to a mother of twins as well as to other relevant professionals who are invited to speak. These training days have been specifically developed because “Parents need reassurance that they are placing their children in the best hands, with someone with the right qualifications and relevant experience.” Delyth Raffell, twins mum and founder of Twins-UK . Find out more
Breastfeeding Training for Professionals – Training for Professionals who want to learn about breastfeeding – Level 3 and 4 Accredited
Taught by midwife and lactation consultant Beth Graham.
This is a one day training session specifically designed for any professional who looks after babies who are being breastfed. All aspects of breastfeeding will be covered, from the medical aspects, anatomy and complications taught by Beth, a Senior midwife and myself, to the process of latching on and building up a supply, as well as practical cases and some information on tongue-tie. Bottlefeeding and correct practices and the role of the maternity nurse and night nurse with a breastfeeding mother will be taught by Jan. Training days are jointly run between Jan, babycare consultant and maternity nurse and myself. Previous speakers also included – a talk on tongue tie by Ms Helen Caulfield, leading ENT surgeon in London. Find out more
Paediatric First Aid Courses – Training for Professionals that work in childcare
Learn what to do in an emergency, covering CPR, choking, childhood illnesses and what to do at home. It is invaluable to learn these skills as a professional that works in childcare. Small groups welcome, takes place in a relaxed environment at a mutually convenient time. Find out more
Birth Trauma and Maternal Complications – Training for Professionals on Birth Trauma and Maternal complications with guest talk on circumcision and aftercare
Bespoke day covering maternal medical conditions during birth and postnatally and birth trauma and PTSD. Outside speakers include those specialised in birth trauma (eg. Dr Rebecca Moore perinatal psychiatrist), maternal complications after birth (Dr Caroline Ovadia or Dr Suzanna Bennet, Obstetricians) with parents (eg Laura Clark from blog The Butterfly mum) talking about their experience. Special guest talk covering Bris and aftercare (eg Dr Alan Shamroth or Dr Joshua Plout, GPs and Mohels in North London).Find out more.
Bespoke Maternity Nurse Courses – Training for Professionals covering a wide range of topics can be organised on request. Find out more.
To discuss any of the above courses, please email me at