Group Antenatal Classes, North London
For those expecting twins
Join a small relaxed one day course in Finchley, North London, covering lots of useful topics on caring for multiples. There is flexibility in class times, group size and program to ensure everyone gets the most out of the course.
I try to accommodate everyone as much as possible as I know it can be hard to co-ordinate time between your scans, work and all the other bits you need to do.
It is adapted for second timers to include useful topics such as bringing the twins home to older siblings, buggies and getting out, childcare and help in the home, coping with 3 or more. There will also be a family, with twins and an older child, to talk to. I split the groups into 1st and 2nd timers for part of the sessions.
Specific topics that will be covered include:
- Equipment
- Birthing options and recovery
- Special care and intensive care for babies
- Feeding options and troubleshooting
- Routines
- Sleep
- What’s in a nappy and changing a nappy (1st timers only)
- Getting out and about
- Navigating NHS services
- Time for birth partners
- Practical tips on parenthood
- Buggies and getting out
- Childcare and help in the home
- Bringing the twins home to older siblings (2nd timers only)
- Coping with 3 or more (2nd timers only)
Twin family is invited for a Q & A session – possibly 2 families if the groups are split into 1st and 2nd timers.
Babycare consultant will demonstrate changing a nappy and swaddling as well as discussing routines and sleep.
TAMBA peer supporter will talk about her role in helping mothers to breastfeed twins.
Postnatal drop-in with a breastfeeding advisor, a babycare consultant and myself as well as talks by other childcare professionals can be arranged on request.
One day course
£150 per couple inclusive of refreshments, a DVD and a full resource pack to take home. (Please contact me if struggling to pay as I will help with this)
The class takes place in Finchley N3, View venue details.
I hope you enjoy the course and find it informative, practical and helpful. Your feedback is valued, good or bad, and I use this to improve and adapt the course. Leave your feedback.